The things we hold dear need to be protected and cared for. But finding someone worthy enough to ensure the security of the fruits of our hard work, and indeed, our very lives, can be difficult. That’s where Aegis comes in.
Aegis offers top-notch security solutions and services in accordance with clients’ needs. Aegis’ services are offered nationwide, so you can rest assured that Aegis will be there for you, no matter where you are.
Samson H. Chowdhury
Founder Chairman & Managing Director

Samauel S Chowdhury

Anjan Chowdhury
Managing Director
We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of service excellence, professionalism, and integrity.
Samauel S Chowdhury
Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Services Make Your
Business Secure
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We Provide Services for a Huge Number of Customers
AEGIS and his staff have served our company with high honesty, integrity, and professionalism.
Md. Razibul Hasan
AEGIS has been our Security Service provider since July 2018. We found AEGIS is dependable and trustworthy.
They are professional and efficiently provide security services as per the service agreement. I wish them continuous success in this regard.
David Probin Rozario
This is to certify that Aegis Services Limited, a concern of SQUARE Group, has been providing us with the required Security.
They have been providing service at our office since 14 December 2014. We are satisfied with the quality of their service. You are welcome to contact us during office hours for any further queries.
Kalyan Mitra Chakma
This is to certify that Aegis Services Limited, a concern of SQUARE Group, has been working with us since 1 March 2019.
They are dependable and trustworthy, and they do their job efficiently, as per the Service agreement. We wish them continuous success in this regard.
Md Arfatuzzaman
This is to certify that Aegis Services Limited, A concern of SQUARE Group, has been working with us since 2014.They are providing security services to Aarong installation like Aarong Centre as well as Aarong Dhanmondi, Banani.Bashabo and Gulshan outlets.